Visiting dignitary Gerald Workman sits surrounded by ten Massachusetts Grand Lodge officers wearing tuxedos with pink bowties and Odd Fellows collars and badges.

The new officers with Deputy Sovereign Grand Master Gerald Workman in June 2024.
Front: Clarence Plant, Susan Needle, Gerald Workman, Jerry Gilmore III & Jim Bennette
Back: Barry Rector, JoAnn Rivieccio, Fran Latanowich, Scott Jones, Deb Mall & Erik Fearing

Grand Master

Susan E. Needle, PG
Reliance Lodge No. 137, Walpole

Deputy Grand Master

Erik Fearing, PGM
Grand Representative
Friendship Lodge No. 20, Belmont

Grand Warden

James Bennette, PG
Massachusetts Lodge No. 1, Weymouth

Grand Secretary

Clarence Plant, PGM
Worcester Lodge No. 56, West Boylston

Grand Treasurer

Gregory Mullen, PG
Hermann-Dexter Lodge No. 133, Dedham

Grand Marshal

Francis Latanowich, PGM
Quascacunquen Lodge No. 39, Newburyport

Grand Conductor

Scott Jones, PG
Quascacunquen Lodge No. 39, Newburyport

Grand Guardian

Deborah Mall, PG
Reliance Lodge No. 137, Walpole

Grand Chaplain

Jo-Ann Rivieccio, PG
Zenith Lodge No. 42, Winthrop

Grand Herald

Gerard Gilmore Jr., PGM
Bethesda Lodge No. 30, Braintree

Grand Instructor

Barry G. Rector, PGM
Alternate Grand Representative
Nantucket Lodge No. 66, Nantucket

Grand Secretary Emeritus

George E. Shaw, PSGM
Pequod Lodge No. 229, Medway